Camelotracy: A Full-Knightly Examination of Digital Presence

knight with lance 1 Make thee ready, for I will have ado with you! knight with lance 2

This website is a space dedicated to understanding our current shift into Electracy.

Electracy is a term coined by Gregory Ulmer, referring to the apparatus of language that emerges from the use of digital spaces and technologies. It is technological, institutional, and spiritual: a shift in our writing, thinking, being.

Trying to understand something that has not yet fully taken shape is nearly impossible without a guide. However, the process of finding that guide is also difficult. Using the principles of Ulmer’s Mystory, I have chosen my guide: the aesthetic, Chora guide of the Arthurian Round Table.

Just as Arthur and his knights, through the help of mystical (Merlin), honorable (Nimue) and holy (the Grail) otherworldly forces beat back, for a time, the grim specter of anarchy and chaos, so I will use them to establish the rule of Chivalry and Holiness in the dark spirit-world of Electracy. The strange customs and evil lodgings of the online world require virtue to set them right, and I intend to begin that process here.

One theme that dominates my exploration of the Digital Landscape through Arthur is the necessity of oaths, the necessity to be bound to something outside of and bigger than yourself. I urge you to consider your digital self in this context: what limitations have you placed yourself under? What Oaths have you sworn? Who do you serve? To whom have you given your life? The answers to these questions are what stand between sanity and madness, honor and shame, Holiness and Evil. As Galahad's last words to his father Launcelot warn us, remember this unsteady world..

torch Let us begin torch